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Speaking Engagments

Denise Is Passionate About Sharing Her Experiences And Advice With Audiences That Are…

Tech Entrepreneurs

Learn how to leverage cutting-edge technologies to drive innovation and scale your ventures.

Venture Capitalists

Discover emerging computing trends that offer investment opportunities and market disruption.


Understand how to integrate advanced tech into your startup for growth and competitive advantage.

Subject Matter Expertise

Denise Is an Expert Speaker On

Go-to-Market Strategy

Learn how to create winning strategies to position new technologies for commercial success, market penetration, and sustainable growth. Understand the key components of a successful product launch, from target audience identification to partnership building.

Introduction to Quantum Computing Ecosystem

Explore the foundations of the quantum computing landscape, including key players, research advancements, and business applications. Gain insights into how this evolving ecosystem is shaping the future of technology and creating new opportunities.

Introducing Quantum Products

Discover how to introduce quantum products to the market, from product development to customer engagement. Learn strategies for translating complex technologies into tangible solutions that meet industry needs and drive innovation.

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